This is the grand finale scene from As You Like It. I can see Ray Llewellyn’s head and shoulders, between two lady’s heads, at the back, a third of the way from the left edge of the photograph. And I’m…
That’s Paul, second on the left, as Touchstone. It’s how I was meant to look – and then un-look – in minutes. And this is the Olympia Theatre programme, Dublin, where we ended the Season. And you will see that…
In Part One of my book Are You going to do That Little Jump? I describe a hairy moment at the end of my second season at the Old Vic. I received this letter – out of the blue –…
I first met Howard Goorney when we were both working with Joan Littlewood’s Theatre Workshop in Stratford, east London. In Part One of Are You Going to do That Little Jump? I describe the weekly Soviet style meetings presided over…
The other time an actor threatened to unbalance a show I directed, by altering his character, could have been the most disastrous. Jeremy Kingston, notable Punch and Times critic, had written an extremely witty and moving play, much in the…
What makes a professional performer, hired to play a part in a certain way, deliberately break the tacit deal with author and audience? Did a friend of Keaveney’s come round and say ‘I enjoyed the show, but aren’t you horrible!…