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David Mercer’s murder thriller exploded at the King’s Head pub theatre at the perfect time.

Two years after the King’s Head first hit society and the scene, we gave fans the ultimate show-biz thrill. Two couples fencing, verbally, in the deadliest and wittiest manner.

A nearly-naked young woman and four immensely smart word-spinner actors within almost touchable distance.

And you didn’t have to have a degree in James Joyce studies or an aptness for esoteric religions to GET it.

At a smart West End opening night you might hope to get this dream team of reviewers to turn up – if you’re very lucky.

But for them all to sidle into the back of a grotty pub risking reputation and hygiene – barely thinkable. But they took a chance with their precious good names and came visiting, and they raved.

I think it’s only fair to put them on show:

Put your hands together for…

And this is what they wrote:

Read more reviews

Coming soon Let’s Murder Vivaldi part two…