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Did you hear about the very-full-of-himself actor at Bexhill Rep (I swear this is true) who gave himself a grand exit, swept off the stage and straight into the sea? A friend of mine was in the company there – she should know. Sailors and actors tell the best yarns – I am not in touch with any sailors right now, so here are some actors’ yarns we hope will hook you.

Howard Goorney

Howard Goorney
– A red gent

By Acting, Stage
I first met Howard Goorney when we were both working with Joan Littlewood’s Theatre Workshop in Stratford, east London. In Part One of Are You Going to do That Little Jump? I describe the weekly Soviet style meetings presided over…
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Playing a gasman

By Acting, Sitcom, Television
This scene looks effortless. I doubt if anyone could guess that it took Len Rossiter several rehearsals, and then patient persuasion in the studio, to get his props sorted and the shots to make sense for the comedy to work…
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Covid and future of theatre

By Stage
As I was composing the last couple of paragraphs of my recent theatre book… – The Adventure Continues, all I had in mind was how to properly celebrate the evolution of theatre practice into the startling wonders of the Present…
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What do you mean Little Jump?

By Acting, Stage
The title for this site, and the two volumes of Are You Going to do That Little Jump? refers to a timeless, and unforgivable, misdemeanour that every actor confronts – upstaging. There is a splendid moment in Terence Rattigan’s Harlequinade when an actor…
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